

Our Health, Safety and Environment Management System allows us to assess risk, identify workplace hazards and eliminate or control the associated hazards. We prevent injuries at our worksites by:

  • Focusing on education, awareness and prevention;
  • Ensuring employees and contractors are competent and have the training and experience to perform the assigned work safely;
  • Communicating openly about safety successes and challenges;
  • Having an alcohol and drug free workplace that is strictly enforced;
  • Having all employees trained for emergency situations; and
  • Continuously working with our customers to create a safe work environment.

Allen’s Transport has had a Certificate of Recognition since 2004 and has qualified internal auditors on staff. This helps not only maintain our safety program but also assists us with continued improvements.

Our safety performance demonstrates our leadership and commitment to safety which can only be sustained through ongoing and continuous improvement. Our goal is to ensure an incident/accident free workplace. In the event an incident does occur, corrective action is taken by implementing elimination, engineering and administration controls.

At Allen’s Transport we are uncompromising in our commitment to safety. Regardless if you are an employee or one of our many customers, contractors or suppliers, our expectations are that everyone meets our safety standards.



Currently Allen’s Transport belongs to the following compliance organizations:

ISNetworld, Avetta and Complyworks.


Emergency Response

At Allen’s Transport we believe being prepared for an emergency is the best way to ensure that the repercussions from an incident are minimized. For that reason Allen’s Transport has developed an in-depth Emergency Response Plan. This ERP is tested through table top exercises and full scale mock disasters ensuring all employees are aware of their responsibilities, should an emergency situation occur. Our ERP is designed to protect firstly our employees, then the public, environment and lastly our equipment.

Railway Safety Management System

Allen’s Transport holds a railway operating approval certificate to operate 54 rail cars at our Leduc location, and 8 at our Calgary location. We have a tank storage facility to store regulated and non-regulated products. At Allen’s Transport we have various heating systems, filtering units, and a railcar wash system to accommodate all of our customer needs.